
Vue Simple Forms

2020 –  Package

web npm vuejs forms

vue-simple-forms was created from a desire to have a simple way of managing form data and flags in Vue. While validation libraries are common and well built, form data and flag handlers are less common.

Simple Vue form state management library (no validation, etc).

The library simply handles tracking the form data and several utility flags, such as whether the form is submitting, loading, or changed. Using a validation libary is highly recommended, and the library works well with vee-validate. The library contains two configurable mixins, documentation, and a Jest test suite. The FormCreateMixin creates the form and flags with reactive data. The FormLeaveGuardMixin prevents route changes while a form has unsaved changes. Coupled with a validation library, this package offers everything that is needed to manage simple form(s) state. I also experimented with publishing the NPM package from GitHub using the new GitHub Actions.